Friday, February 29, 2008


Earlier I posted about my vain little one year old, who loves to dress up. Well her wardrobe of beautiful clothes as expanded from a sparkly dress, to jewlery and water socks that are 3 sizes to big. She still thinks she is the most beautiful thing alive and now she tells everyone. Yesterday for the first time she said "pretty." I was holding her up on the counter as I brushed my teeth and she was looking at herself in the mirror and said pretty. I have created a little monster!!! At least she is a pretty one.


Today is one of the happiest days. I feel like singing and dancing. Claire SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT last night. You are probably thinking "she hasn't slept through the night yet, isn't she one?" Ya, that is what I was thinking until last night. I have tried everything with no success to get my very stubborn girl to sleep through the night. But she FINALLY DID IT!!! She slept from 7:45pm to 7:30am. I woke up at 6:30 confused and wondering if the clock was right, and it was. Then I couldn't go back to sleep because I kept waiting for her to wake up, but she didn't!!!! I am so happy, I just had to share.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for my Bosch. I love that I can make fresh bread for my family with such easy. I can mix 5 big loaves of whole wheat bread in about 15 minutes, not counting the rising and baking part. Bailey loves homemade bread so much that I am hard pressed to get her to eat any other bread. So I am thankful for my Bosch because it allows me to feed my family healthy yummy bread and food. Oh and another plug for Bosch, the blender attachment is AWESOME!!!! Seriously it is the best blender in the world. I am pretty much in love with it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cruisin' Along

When Bailey was a baby we got a bike trailer and we just recently we pulled out again. It is so fun to load the girls and go on grand adventures. We travel to exotic places like Grandmas house, the park and the neighbors house. The girls love it (well most of the time, when they aren't picking on each other) and I get some much needed "extracise" as Bailey calls it. But I mostly wanted to post about this because I think this picture of the girls in the trailer is too cute.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for my primary class. Well if the truth be told I am not too grateful for my class this week (as I look down at the bruises all over my shins from one of the girls) so I decided to write 5 things I am thankful for about them and maybe it will change my attitude.
1. They give the cutest answers to questions. Example: Teacher- "What is something we learn about in the scriptures?" Kid- "How to make our bed and not bite."
2. They get so excited to see me outside of class and give me big hugs.
3. They want to learn so much and try so hard to keep all the scripture stories straight.
4. They have taught me the gospel of the Living Scriptures DVDs.
5. They are 5 and just so darn cute carrying their scriptures that are as big as they are.
Ok, I feel better now and I am ready to prepare my lesson.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Claire

Today is Claires FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!! I love this little determined and happy girl so much. She is so fun to watch as she runs around "singing" at the top of her lungs. She loves to read books, color like big sister, eat, take rides in the red wagon and dress up in her red sparkley dress. I love you sweetheart!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Audra caught me, I didn't do Thankful Thursday so here is my thankful Friday. Today I am thankful for rain. It has been raining a lot here lately, well at least for here. Scottsdale had the most rain in the whole country a few days ago, so I consider that a lot.

Living in sunny AZ we don't get much rain so when it does rain I feel like it is a treat. When it rains and is cold outside I like to cuddle up in blankets, read to my girls and eat yummy food. I made a white bean chili and bread bowls the other night and it was so good, perfect for a rainy day.

Another added bonus to rainy days is it is draker outside and my girls sleep in because it isn't as light in their rooms in the morning.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Life just isn't fair

Life just isn't fair....
... when mom gives me a yellow straw to drink my favortie smoothie when I want a blue one.
... when dad will only read 2 stories and sing 2 songs to go to bed when I am 3 years olds and everything has to be in 3's
...when I am freezing but just don't want to wear clothes.
...when mom insists that car is spelled CAR when I want it to be spelled TOYOTA.
Life isn't fair...
...when walls and furniture jump out infront of me or when my chair all of a sudden falls over while I am standing on it.
...when I have to eat only one piece of food at a time rather than the whole plate and gag myself.
...when I can't stand and walk around in the bath tub.
...when no matter how hard I try, the door I am sitting infront of and blocking just won't open.

Boy life is so unfair!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thankful Thursday

When I was trying to think of something I am thankful for, the first thing that came to my mind was my bed, the second, sleeping babies. Now I can't decide which I am more thankful for and I am too tired to decide, so I will say that I am thankful for both equally.

I love my bed. There is nothing better than crawling into a soft warm bed after a long day. I take that back, crawling into a warm bed when you know your kids are asleep and won't be awake fore several hours is even better.

I love watching my girls sleep and seeing how peaceful they are when they are asleep. I just want to kiss them and hug them. I especially love watching the whole range of emotions play across their sweet face as they sleep. It is also fun going into their rooms at night and seeing what weird contourtionist positions they get into.
A woman in my ward once told me that she believes that heaven is full of rocking chairs and sleeping babies that need to be rocked. I think I would agree.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

When I grow up

Yesterday I took the girls with me to vote. As we were leaving, Bailey asked me what voting was. Ya, try explaining that to a 3 year old. Anyway, after I was done she told me she wanted to be president when she grows up.
Later that day she changed her mind a few times and want to be a mom, firefighter, cook and reader. Then last night, as I was tucking her into bed, she decided once and for all that when she grows up she wants to chase cats out of yards and be a ballerina just like Dad.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Do your research....

and don't forget to vote tomorrow, February 5th. Tomorrow over 20 states are voting including AZ. Please do your research and don't rely on what the media tells you about each candidate. Happy voting!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

A Prophets Prayer

I found this today and thought it was amazing. It is a song that a girl wrote using the words from a prayer President Hinckley said for the youth in 2000. The website tells the whole story behind the song which gave me goose bumps.
I am not computer savy at all, so I hope this works. Here is the link: