Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Highlights
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Big Day
Monday, December 8, 2008
Few of my favorite things
Then I started to think, I would love to know what are some of my friends favorite things. What if they know about something I have never heard of that would make my life complete.
Then I thought of this, what if I asked everyone to tell me 2-3 of their favorite things. Do you have a favorite scented candle that makes your house smell heavenly, or a recipe that your family would eat every night or the perfect type of blanket that keeps you so warm? Whatever it is, I want to hear about. Then if anyone actually responds, I will make a list and post it for everyone to see.
I will start off the list with 3 of my favorite things right now:
1. I LOVE microfiber cleaning clothes. I bought a package of 25 from Sams Club a while back for about $8 and I seriously use them everyday. They clean up spills so quickly, are perfect for using with Windex to wash windows and stainless steel appliances. They even makes fabulous dolly blankets.
2. A few days ago my good friend Alene introduced me to Frontier spices and their chicken flavored broth powder. LOVE IT!!!! It makes the best chicken broth and gravy. So much better than bullion or Swanson chicken broth. Here is their website or if you live in the Mesa/Gilbert area, you can buy it at Shars Kitchen Store.
3. At this time of year, I love to make a homemade simmering potpourri. Here is what you do.
Put 2 slices of orange, 2 slices of lemon, 2 bay leaves, about 6-7 whole cloves and a cinnamon stick in a pot. Cover with water and simmer on your stove top. Or if you have a mini crock pot use it. I usually buy the spices at Walmart in their Mexican food aisle, so much cheaper than the regualr spice aisle.
So there you go, a few of my favorite things, what are yours?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The Good, Complaining and the Cute
I have finally reached adulthood and joined the 21st century. After years of holding out, last night I finally bought a cell phone. I think I was the only person over the age of 10 that didn't have one as evident by all the probably 9 year old at the AT&T store getting her second cell phone. At any rate, I am now the proud owner of a shiny red cell phone! Now I just have to figure out how in the world to use it.
The Complaining:
This week at my dr. appointment I found out that my 28 week gestational diabetes test came back postive by ONE FREAKIN POINT!!!!! Now I get the privilege of doing the three hour fasting glucose test to make sure I really have diabetes.
For those who have never had this test done, I will tell you what it involves. Pretty much you go in fasting, drink the awful orange crud, have your blood sugar spike and have your blood drawn 4 times in 3 hours and try to not cry while it is all happening.
When I was pregnant with Claire I also had to have this test done. Boy was it a joyous experience! For those of you who know me really well know that I don't do well with blood/needles. I passed out in high school just reading a story about donating blood. I can't even get a TB test without passing out. So having this test done is right up there with Christmas and being drawn and quatered.
So this is how the glucose test went when I was pregnant with Claire. I went into the germ infested medical lab fasting. Drank the orange crud. Began to shake and room started to spin. Tried to crochet to pass time while still sitting in the germ infested waiting room. Had my blood drawn 4 times. Passed out. Couldn't find vains by the 3rd draw. Nurse had to dig around for vains. Blood gushed down my arm. Almost passed out again. Was sick for the rest of the day and into the next. And to add a cherry on top, walked in on an asian guy leaving a urine sample because he didn't lock the door or respond when I knocked on the door to see if anyone was in there.
So if you try and call me on my NEW CELL PHONE this week and I don't answer, I probably died from anxiety of having to get my blood drawn again or I died of some incurable disease I caught while in the waiting room of the medical lab.
p.s. The test with Claire came back negative for diabetes.
The Cute:
Bailey and Claire eating dry cereal while watching Saturday cartoons. Claire has her jammies unzipped because she dumped all her cereal down her jammies and was using a spoon to scoop them out and eat them.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Turkey fun!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I have dibs on Typhosa!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A little bragging
On Halloween night we went to my good friend Becky Tiffanys parents house and had fabulous homemade donuts. Since that night, Bailey asks me at least once a day if we can make donuts. I always told her no because I can do without the frying aspect of the process since it makes everything smell. Well today, while blog hopping, I found a recipe for baked donuts. JACKPOT!!!!
So here is is the end result...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's over!!!
Last night was a much better night. As I sewed my girls fall skirts, ( I was too anxious to just sit) my heart was so happy as I watched the polls close, the numbers come in and saw that Prop 102 was going to pass this time. Even though I am not happy about all the outcomes of the election, at least I know there are good people out there, who still have traditional values and are concerned about the future of our children and country.
I wish the war for good values was over and we could all rest. Unfortuately, I think we still have a long hard fight ahead of us, but at least one battle is done. Let us all keep faith and get ready for the next battle.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Yummy smoothie
I usually eyeball the quantities of ingredients but this is about how much of each I use.
1 cup fresh squeezed OJ (about 3-4 oranges)
8 oz. (fill the blender about 1/2 full)of frozen mangos. If you live by a Trader Joes, they usually have frozen mangos for a really good price but I heard that Costco also sells them.
1 individual size cup of strawberry yogurt
1/2-1 banana
1 tsp. vanilla
*Sometimes I add fresh strawberries if I have them.
Blend it all up. Sometimes I have to add more juice to help blend it better. If I am serving it to my girls usually I add a little milk rather than extra juice, extra calcium. Play around with the ingredients until you find the combo you like.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
My little pumpkins
Why we need to protect marriage
Vote YES on PROP 102 (AZ) or PROP 8 (CA)!!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Tale of Two Shoes
a set of six Disney princess shoes. They were an instant hint. Actually that is an understatement, they became my daughters life. They LOVE the shoes. They wear them ALL day long. I have even found Bailey wearing them to bed. And Claire, who isn't going to miss out on an opportunity to be beautiful, learned to walk in them only weeks after learning to walk.
Then last month tragedy struck our house, one of the Snow White shoes broke in half due to a long hard life of tiny little feet stomping on wood floor. Bailey was traumatized, we weren't sure she would make it. Then to make life even more unbearable, the Bell pair followed suit a week or so later. Then a few others began to fall apart, but I will save you from the gruesome details.
Needless to say, I was becoming a little upset myself. How could I be happy when my miserable daughters happiness hinged on uncomfortable plastic princess shoes. So like any good mom I went to Costco, were they were bought last Christmas, to find a new box. No luck. I looked online but couldn't find them for a price I was willing to pay, I admit I am cheap. I even asked a few friends to keep an eye out for them for me. Still no luck.
Then yesterday, as we were walking down the aisles of Sams Club, the heavens suddenly parted and angels began to sing. There, right in front of Baileys free sample covered face, was another box of princess shoes. Without even looking at the price, I threw them in my cart and ran to the checkout line for fear someone was playing a cruel trick on me and the shoes would suddenly disappear. While in the checkout line I kept my eyes on a very suspicious looking 7 year old girl, eyeing my shoes from over in the cafe and held my breath until the cashier handed me the receipt. They were MINE!!!
Well, life at the Sherwood home is as it should be now. Both girls are properly shoed and I might add, looking fabulous. I am now on my way to Sams Club to buy one more box of princess shoes because we have another little princess on the way and I don't want her to go through the pain and suffering her older sister had to deal with.
Friday, October 10, 2008
1- Does anyone have a good way to clean bath tub toys? Ours are getting a little on the slimmy, yucky side (even though I drain them everytime they bathe.) I looked around on the internet and most people say to put a little bleach and water in with the toys but I am worried that will ruin or fade the toys. Has anyone ever done that?
2- Does anyone have a really yummy recipe for granola? I have had a the biggest craving for granola but it is so blasted expensive at the store, I would go broke supporting my habit. I have looked up a few on recipe websites but I am a little scared to put all the time and ingredients into making it and have it fail. Does someone have a recipe they have made and really like? Also a little side note. I am not a huge nut fan, they are ok but in moderation. So if you have one that doesn't have a ton of nuts would be even better.
The day!!!!!
One of my favorite places to go is A&P nursery. I could spend hours and lots of money there choosing out the perfect flower or plant that would be perfect in my yard. Today I decided to take my girls with me to the nursery to control myself a little. It is hard to enjoy a nursery when your kids are picking all the flowers and knocking over plants with wheelbarrows. This year I also let the girls pick out all the flowers, a little scary but we ended up with beautiful red geraniums, pink, purple and white petunias and fall colored mums. Nothing fancy but will be perfect non the less.
Then we headed home to plant our loot. It took about 2 x's longer than it should because I had so much help but we now have all the flowers in the ground, Claire and Bailey both got to run around naked in the back yard and take baths in buckets outside and all my sidewalks are covered in mud. What a glorious day!!!
Now tomorrow I get to hack all my bushes way down to get rid of all the burnt stuff from the summer, another activity I LOVE to do and scalp my grass to put in the winter lawn!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Our California Adventure
-One week at a gorgeous Mariott resort, over looking the ocean, in Newport Beach. All this curtiousy of my parents. THANK YOU!!!!!!
-Sunday was spent going to church and visiting the Newport Beach Temple. The temple is brown rather than white, which I thought was pretty cool.
-Monday we went to Sea World. The highlight of the entire trip for Bailey was "Breakfast with Shamu." If you have never done it before, I would recommend it. Bailey loved it becuase she got to eat a chocolate muffin and be only a few feet away from Shamu as he did tricks. Claire loved it because she got to eat eggs and watch pigeons fly around, she couldn't care less about Shamu.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Are they serious!?!
What happened?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Claire likes cereal!
Claire likes cereal so much, she usually asks for it within the first minute of waking up. She calls from her crib "DADDY! DADDY! CEREO!!!! CEREO!!!! DAAAAAADY! CEREO!!!!!"
Claire likes cereal so much, she knows how to say all the essential elements of making a bowl of cereal. "CEREO," "BOW," "MELK," "SPOO."
Claire likes cereal so much, she wants it every meal of the day.
Claire likes cereal so much, she chooses to adorn herself with it.
Claire likes cereal!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My thoughts exactly
As my mom wrote in an email to me, "This article encapsulates what I've been trying to say about Sarah Palin and why she matters so much. Win the election or lose, Sarah Palin shows that true women can and do still exist--not the caricature of women that feminists have tried to create."
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Spinach salad
In my search for folic aacid foods I have learned that spinach is pretty much the healthiest thing for you to eat. So the other day I pulled out a recipe for spinach salad that I haven't had in years and I can't get enough of now that I made it again. So for all those pregnant women out there, which there seems to be a million, and all those who have taste buds, here is a fabulous spinach salad recipe. It is high in folic acid and other good stuff that may not be so good for you but taste really yummy.
1 big bag of spinach
1 small purple onion, sliced thinly
1/2 lb. bacon, fried and crumbled
8 oz. mushrooms washed and sliced
1 cup mozzarella cheese grated
1c. dry or drained cottage cheese
3/4 c. oil
1/3 c. white vinegar
1/2 c. sugar
3/4 tsp. salt
1/3 tsp. mustard
Combine salad ingredients. Combine dressing ingredients and add to salad just before serving. Dressing will keep separately if refrigerated.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I can't wait to meet you!
Little one, I can't wait to meet you. Today I felt you move for the first time. I was laying on big sisters bed reading her a story and you moved everytime I rested my arms on my growing belly. Your movements felt like butterlies and I LOVED it!
I know I won't be able to meet you for a while but I can't wait much longer, I am too excited! See you in February.
First Day of Preschool!
I have been talking up preschool for the last few days to get her ready for it but when we pulled up to the little yellow house the tears started. I unbuckled her for her seat and she collapsed into a pile on the car floor crying. I picked her up and carried her to the front door. When Ms. Ranelle her teacher opened the door and said "Hi Bailey!" the tears stoped, she marched in the house and never looked back. I even followed her in to say goodbye and she wouldn't even acknowledge me.
Such is the life of a mother. You spend so much time preparing them for something so that they will be ok and when they are ok you are sad that they don't need you. Oh well!
But just in case you were wondering "preschool is the best place in the world" because there are "Bailey sized tables and chairs," fishie crackers for snacks, a dinosaur puzzle and a teacher with sparkly eyeshadow that is so beautiful!
(I will post some pictures soon!)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The best mom!!!
A few weeks ago I thought of a fabulous way to keep the girls from fighting and drowning each other in the bath tub, give them each a plastic cereal bowl with ice in it. They love it, I don't have to play ref and all I have to do is get them a new bowl of ice every 10 minutes or so. PLUS I get called the "best mom in the family!"
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What do you do in the summer time?



Baileys prefered method of picking was one for the bowl 3-4 for her mouth. As she told me many times she is "the queen of snitches."
Thursday, July 24, 2008
She's off!
It has been a little hard not having them here. Bailey can't understand why grandma isn't at her house anymore and why we can't go see them. She has cried herself to sleep wondering why grandma is far away. How do you explain grandma moving across the country to a 4 year old who has always had grandma so close? She keeps telling me she is going to fly a helicopter really fast to grandmas new house, and that is no problem. It breaks my heart! At least grandpa will being coming home to visit soon.
Good luck grandma! We love and miss you!