Thursday, September 25, 2008

Are they serious!?!

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have sent a letter to the head guys at Ben and Jerrys icecream asking them to replace cows milk with human milk in their icecream. What? Are they serious? I can understand their concern about baby cows but common on, human milk!


AudyCamp said...

Human milk? you gotta be kidding me!!! I ain't squeezing my tatas for someone's freaking ice cream!

Frolicking Night Owl said...

uh ... GROSS!! Won't be eating that stuff if they actually do that!

Barlow Family said...

I read about that...Oh my goodness! Crazy! So let's replace using cows and make women stand and get milked! :) So silly!

Rachel Hanchett said...

yeah because you can milk a cow several times a day and get gallons while a woman will give you what 8 ounces at a time!

Amberlynn said...

Hi Nat,
I have been meaning to congratulate you on your new pregnancy! Yeah, another girl!! You're all set. I saw your post when we were on the road, traveling cross country, and didn't have a chance to comment. I am really excited for you. I can't believe you're gonna have three kids! That's awesome! Love ya!