Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nine Days Old


AudyCamp said...

She is SO BEAUTIFUL! ..and looks so much more mature than 9 days.

The Whatcott Fam said...

I agree- such a beautiful baby! I love how your girls have so much hair when they're born. Isn't it fun having 3 girls? P.S.- that Bailey is a mini YOU!

Rachel Hanchett said...

your title made me think of the nursery rhymn "peas porridge in the pot nine days old" ...random I know...she is way cuter and much more endearing then porridge!

LadyL said...

Congratulations, Natalie! She's a doll! -- Becky

Raich said...

She is so Pretty...Are her eyes going to be dark? Hope you are recovering nicely

Cami Epperson said...

So cute! I was trying to figure out who she looked more like... Bailey or Claire... I think she's a good mix caus I can't figure it out.

MUNSON's said...

WOW...she is gorgeous! Look at all that hair! I am jealous.