Monday, January 28, 2008

A blessed people

I, like a lot of people, have been thinking a lot about President Hinckley the last 18 hours or so. We are such a blessed people to have had such amazing leaders and to have been able to share in the life and words of President Hinckley.
Last night as I was getting ready for bed I was feeling a little sad for myself at the loss of our prophet. Then at the same time, I was so happy for him, he is now with his sweet wife and gets to rest (if he ever will.) Then my thoughts went to the death of the Prophet Joseph and what it would have been like for the members the day he died. The Prophet Joseph died in such a sudden and awful way, I doubt the members had the peace that many of us are feeling today. They were unsure of the future of the church and weren't sure who the next prophet would be. I can't imagine how awful and unsettling that would have been.
Again we are a blessed people to now know who the next prophet will be and to know that the work of the Lord will continue on. We are blessed to know that our prophet had lived a long and full life and that President Monson is an amazing man and will do great things for the church.

1 comment:

AudyCamp said...

It's so funny after reading so many blogs and facebook comments so many of the members of the church had the exact same feelings. I at first was so happy for him to be with his wife that he missed so much..and then sad for myself. I also was thinking about the members of the church when Joseph died and how they REALLY must have been grieving. What a blessed people we are. Aren't we so grateful for all our ancestors went through to get us to this point!