Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Diaper Coupons!!!

As of 11:30 am today, www.boodle.com has coupons for $5 off and $3 off Huggies diapers. I don't know about other states but here in AZ, grocery stores still take internet coupons and it seems like every week at least one grocery store has Huggies on sale for $10 making the diapers $5 or $7.
You do have to sign up using your email address to print from the website, but I have never recieved any junk mail from them. You can also only print 2 sets of the coupons per email address and I think per printer. If your hubby is willing, sign up his email and see if he is allowed to print things from work so you can get more coupons.
GOOD LUCK and happy shopping!

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