Friday, October 10, 2008

The day!!!!!

Today was the day! One of my favorite days of the year. PLANTING DAY!!!! I love the day in late early October when the weather has cooled off and it is finally time to beautify my yard and plant flowers. While most of the country is tearing out their gardens and flowers beds, getting ready for winter and snow, here in AZ we are breathing a sigh of relief because we made it through the summer and now we can enjoy the beautiful weather, flowers and grass the rest of you had all summer.
One of my favorite places to go is A&P nursery. I could spend hours and lots of money there choosing out the perfect flower or plant that would be perfect in my yard. Today I decided to take my girls with me to the nursery to control myself a little. It is hard to enjoy a nursery when your kids are picking all the flowers and knocking over plants with wheelbarrows. This year I also let the girls pick out all the flowers, a little scary but we ended up with beautiful red geraniums, pink, purple and white petunias and fall colored mums. Nothing fancy but will be perfect non the less.
Then we headed home to plant our loot. It took about 2 x's longer than it should because I had so much help but we now have all the flowers in the ground, Claire and Bailey both got to run around naked in the back yard and take baths in buckets outside and all my sidewalks are covered in mud. What a glorious day!!!
Now tomorrow I get to hack all my bushes way down to get rid of all the burnt stuff from the summer, another activity I LOVE to do and scalp my grass to put in the winter lawn!

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