Thursday, November 29, 2007

Gilbert Days Parade

I was looking through the pictures on our camera today and found these cute ones of Claire from Gilbert Days Parade. Yes, I think I am the only person in the world that likes a parade, it is a sickness I know. But I think I might have Claire hooked too. She loved her first parade until Highland High marching band came by and her world came to an end. I think she didn't like it because Mr. Bitter wasn't there marching along the side. It just isn't a good Gilbert Days Parade with out him. But she recovered when the hundreth cheer and dance squad came by. Yeah Gilbert!!!


♥ Natalie said...

Natalie, Thanks so much for the invite! It's been so long since I've seen you - since HS & Marching Band, I think. I have to tell you how much I looked up to you back then - what a great role model you were for all of the CG were always so funny and kind. Thanks for always being such a sweet person. I love being able to see what you and your family are up to. Did I mention how cute your family is? NO?! Well, your little girls are darling, and you and your hubby are so cute together. Feel free to check out what we've been up to anytime! I love blogging - it's a great way to keep in touch or cat catch up real quick. Take care. Natalie (Watkins) Evans

Frolicking Night Owl said...

where was bitter?