Saturday, June 14, 2008

What they taught me in Primary is TRUE!

The other night I was in a really bad mood. I had tons of things to do, none of which I really wanted to do, I was tired and I was really whinny. I finally decided to forget everything and just go to bed when Scott reminds me that I had volunteered to sew a blanket to put in a newborn kit for stake humanitarian night this week and it need to be turned in tomorrow. I moaned, rolled my eyes, grabbed the fabric and started sewing.
As I was sewing I began to think about the sweet little baby that will be wrapped in the pastel heart blanket I was making. I thought of the dear mom who will rock her new little one in her arms. I wondered where in the world this blanket will end up. As I was thinking these things, I really wasn't tired anymore and the bad mood I was so determined to stay in, gradually left. I then laughed at myself.
Ever since I was in Primary I have been taught that when you serve others you are not only blessing theirs lives but you will be happier too. I don't think I have ever noticed this principle work in my life as much as I did that night. I guess they really are teaching us the truth in Primary.
But the main reason I wanted to post about this is to pull at a few heart strings. Last fall I went to the local humanitarian building by the temple. While I was there the woman in charge of the place told me that in developing countries and even sometimes in our own, it is more common than not for a mom to bring her new baby home from the hospital wrapped in newspaper or a rag found on the street. My heart broke Think about when you bring your baby home wrapped in 2-3 blankets and lay it in a bed with a few more blankets and soft sheet, about the mother wrapping her baby in a newspaper. Here is a link to the instructions for newborn kits in case you have never made one. Lets all try and make one so one less baby will go home in newspaper.

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