Saturday, February 9, 2008

Life just isn't fair

Life just isn't fair....
... when mom gives me a yellow straw to drink my favortie smoothie when I want a blue one.
... when dad will only read 2 stories and sing 2 songs to go to bed when I am 3 years olds and everything has to be in 3's
...when I am freezing but just don't want to wear clothes.
...when mom insists that car is spelled CAR when I want it to be spelled TOYOTA.
Life isn't fair...
...when walls and furniture jump out infront of me or when my chair all of a sudden falls over while I am standing on it.
...when I have to eat only one piece of food at a time rather than the whole plate and gag myself.
...when I can't stand and walk around in the bath tub.
...when no matter how hard I try, the door I am sitting infront of and blocking just won't open.

Boy life is so unfair!


Jen said...

very cute post. very creative too! love the pictures too!

AudyCamp said...

the bailey's pout! too cute:)

AudyCamp said...

where's thankful thursday?