Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Confession of a lazy mommy

I admit that I am a lazy mommy sometimes. There times when I allow Bailey to watch WAY to much tv. It is so easy to sit her in front of the tv when I am trying to get things done so I don't have her following behind undoing what I just did.

Well a few weeks ago I decided to stop the destructive cycle and wean her, and my self, from letting her watch too much tv. It was hard at first, my house was an absolute disaster because if she isn't watching tv she is making a mess, but we finally did it! Bailey is weaned from tv!
There are even times when I turn it on and she turns it off and tells me it is a no tv day.

I think we are happier because of it to. I have noticed when she watches tv she gets moody, grumpy, and I can't get her to do anything. Now she is a lot happier and asks to go outside and play in her room by herself! Yippee! Why didn't I get her weaned before now?

1 comment:

Heather Jeppsen said...

I'll have to agree with the moody part. I think my kids act way worse after they watch TV. So we used to have a TV in our room and when Chase would wake up in the morning I would turn it on for him so I could get a little more sleep. I am not a morning person and Peyton would sleep in. Well we finally took it out of our room and things got better. Now he's been waking up early again and going downstairs to watch TV because he knows how to work it now! The bad thing is sometimes I don't hear him get up so I think he's still sleeping and I continue to sleep! Ahh! I'm really bad in the mornings especially now that I stay up all hours of the night and blog! LOL